Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wedding #1 SUCCESSFUL!!!!!!

The week of Wedding #1 - Bride #3: A very crazy busy week. Bride #3 is a very creative visual person, and really wanted to do a GREAT DEAL of the decor herself, not only because of the expense, but because she TRULY LOVES decorating. (She now needs to come spend some time at my house with my decor!)

But before I go to the Rehearsal Dinner, let's have a little fun at Possum Kingdom. Yep, the lake. The beautiful-one-of-my-most-favorite-places-in-the-world: Lake Possum Kingdom.

A VERY good friend invited Bride #3 and her bridesmaids (which includes Bride #1 & #2) to her place at Possum Kingdom. What a FABULOUS TIME FOR ALL. We played, we visited, we went on the boat, we rested by the pool, we rode in the golf cart, we fed the deer. It was completely beautiful. I'll try to pick my top favorite photos!!!

sitting outside the Condo - we'd throw corn out and the deer would slowly come visit and eat. . . this was a quiet evening before all the brides and bridesmaids arrived!

Bride and a bridesmaid arrive!!

And we are off in the boat.......

Yep, that's me, they made me do it

It was a really stressful weekend...

Next up - Bridal Spa day and Rehearsal dinner!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wedding update

In June we had a Couples Shower for Steve & Crystal (Daughter #2, Wedding #2) in a park in Grapevine. Click the photo above to see more photos!

June 26 really GREAT friends got together and gave a TRIPLE SHOWER for all three girls here in Abilene. Yes, "One Summer, Three Sisters, Three Weddings One Shower" It was a beautiful shower and we are all blessed by our friends and family!

June 28, 2010

I’ve not updated wedding events for a month. I can’t even tell you most of what has gone on during that month. I’ll refer to my calendar.

I can tell you this:

If all three brides were in Abilene I would be in the hospital. There is no way a person can do 3 brides in one town. My only saving grace is that the weddings are in 3 different towns, and I am the MOB of one, I am stepMOB of two, so I am not total support for all. I’d truly be mad by now.

When I look at my June calendar it doesn’t appear that much went on. How can that be? Oh yes, remodel going on. Oh Oh and DD #3-wedding #1- got a full-time job after she is working 8-5 for these weeks prior to her wedding.

There is a great deal of discussions about:

Spray Tans






GUEST LISTS - how complicated is that trying to figure out guest list for 3 different weddings, 3 different locations, 3 different families. . . (sort of) And then there are 6 different shower lists

DISCLAIMER: if you wanted an invitation to a Rogers event and did not get one, PLEASE EMAIL ME ASAP. But be assured, if you get on one list you could get on ALL. I have a friend that said “I can expect an invite from the Rogers’ family in my mailbox daily” and I have friends that should have had invites and got none. So we get a very low score on invitations.

We have over sent invites, we have under sent invites. We have over stamped, we have under stamped. We have ordered the “perfect” Save-the-dates that were TERRIBLE and spent hours with sisters reprinting and repairing. But that is what it is all about, working together as a family.

We’ve had more time together this year than any year before, because we are all having weddings, and for that I’ll always cherish this time.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

It is now Week 12 .....

We have had a marathon of Wedding activities! So I'm obviously behind in my updates. Daughter #2 pointed out to me that it has been a month since I have posted.

I am going to start with the update on the kitchen and then I'll move on to wedding activities....

At the beginning Week 11, 99% of the work was complete. We are very happy with the results! Week 9 & 10 was mainly just details, cleanup and unpacking. Electricians had a very difficult time getting their work complete and I’m still not happy with some of their results. I requested that a big ugly wad of wires coming out of a wall be "cleaned up" - as a result the cable was cut to the TV in the den and the master bedroom. This happened a few hours before all brides were converging on my home for the weekend. Dear Hubby was NOT happy, but he did manage to get the TV in the Den working. Cable people will be here this morning (Monday) to repair the damage. Wires sticking out of the wall still look tacky. I'm not a fan of "tacky" in my new room!

Decorating details are not complete, I am having trouble deciding what to hang on the walls, and quiet frankly, I hate to put any nails in my beautiful newly textured and painted walls!!!!!

Let me remind you of the "before look"

Here are more views:

My "baking Center"

Now the Kitchen opens into the den, no longer a solid wall separating me from all the fun.....

TV has been mounted on the wall above the while shelves will be added..

Stay tuned for a wedding update!

Friday, May 28, 2010

End of Week 8 Construction

It is Sunday and construction week 8 is has come to an end with a "bang"...Electricians left on Thursday giving me the impression they would not be back til Tuesday. Vent-a-hood installation was suppose to take place Thursday, never saw anyone. They left me with about half of the electricity working in the kitchen. So Thursday evening I got in and started cleaning.....

Friday morning around 8:30am people started walking in (I thought no one was coming by). First our contractor came looking things over, there was a ton of trash EVERYWHERE that Rich and I were going to try to clear out since we had special little ones coming to visit. Turns out the contractor had ordered a trash pick-up and all the trash was hauled to the carport and picked up later in the afternoon. Yippee...

Electricians showed up and started working, guy came to install vent-a-hood, got all the parts out and the MAIN part (the SHOW PIECE) WAS bent. Cant' get another one until next Friday.

Granite guys showed up to replace one more section of counter. Counter tops ARE DONE, inspected and APPROVED!!!

Electricians did more work and had quiet a bit of the plugs working for the weekend. One new oven is now operational, but the "speed-oven" needed 110 and got 220 or vice versa and will have to be rewired on Tuesday. Here are photos of remodel...

You can see the trash the electricians left....
the new faucet comes on when you touch it....

I'm moving in! This photo was on Friday evening, workers were gone and I was getting ready for my "future grandkids" to come for a visit, I was scrambling to get all the nails and mess up so we could enjoy!

New Ovens, not all is working yet......

cabinets for my pretty stuff....

Backsplash, no grout yet and it's a little more blue green than this photo

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Week 100.......(OK really just week 8 but it feels like..)

Tile guys worked Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. At the End of Sunday they had all the floor tile down but were short a few tiles. Monday they got up the backsplash, but were short a few sheets of tile. They worked until around 9pm Monday night and got all the floor tile grouted. I do not know when they will grout the backsplash. They have "moved out" and the electricians have "moved in". Big decision to make on what color of grout for the backsplash:

before/after backsplash:

Electricians brought a crew in on Tuesday hoping to get all their work done - I got home from subbing (by the way, I subbed for Business COMPUTER Applications - so I was right in my element....) and it did not look like they had accomplished much after a full day. Always a catch somewhere. They are back on Wednesday, we will see how it progresses. Plumbers are to install Dishwasher today (Wednesday) and cooktop vent is to be installed on Thursday. So I'll just post some photos.......
This is pretty good shot of the different wall colors - most walls are the grey and the brown is the accent color used on one wall and closet area, and this shows the new tile....
The constant mess is wearing me out!


TWO OF MY FAVORITE GUYS....wonder who is taller now?