Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Week 100.......(OK really just week 8 but it feels like..)

Tile guys worked Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. At the End of Sunday they had all the floor tile down but were short a few tiles. Monday they got up the backsplash, but were short a few sheets of tile. They worked until around 9pm Monday night and got all the floor tile grouted. I do not know when they will grout the backsplash. They have "moved out" and the electricians have "moved in". Big decision to make on what color of grout for the backsplash:

before/after backsplash:

Electricians brought a crew in on Tuesday hoping to get all their work done - I got home from subbing (by the way, I subbed for Business COMPUTER Applications - so I was right in my element....) and it did not look like they had accomplished much after a full day. Always a catch somewhere. They are back on Wednesday, we will see how it progresses. Plumbers are to install Dishwasher today (Wednesday) and cooktop vent is to be installed on Thursday. So I'll just post some photos.......
This is pretty good shot of the different wall colors - most walls are the grey and the brown is the accent color used on one wall and closet area, and this shows the new tile....
The constant mess is wearing me out!


TWO OF MY FAVORITE GUYS....wonder who is taller now?

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