Friday, May 28, 2010

End of Week 8 Construction

It is Sunday and construction week 8 is has come to an end with a "bang"...Electricians left on Thursday giving me the impression they would not be back til Tuesday. Vent-a-hood installation was suppose to take place Thursday, never saw anyone. They left me with about half of the electricity working in the kitchen. So Thursday evening I got in and started cleaning.....

Friday morning around 8:30am people started walking in (I thought no one was coming by). First our contractor came looking things over, there was a ton of trash EVERYWHERE that Rich and I were going to try to clear out since we had special little ones coming to visit. Turns out the contractor had ordered a trash pick-up and all the trash was hauled to the carport and picked up later in the afternoon. Yippee...

Electricians showed up and started working, guy came to install vent-a-hood, got all the parts out and the MAIN part (the SHOW PIECE) WAS bent. Cant' get another one until next Friday.

Granite guys showed up to replace one more section of counter. Counter tops ARE DONE, inspected and APPROVED!!!

Electricians did more work and had quiet a bit of the plugs working for the weekend. One new oven is now operational, but the "speed-oven" needed 110 and got 220 or vice versa and will have to be rewired on Tuesday. Here are photos of remodel...

You can see the trash the electricians left....
the new faucet comes on when you touch it....

I'm moving in! This photo was on Friday evening, workers were gone and I was getting ready for my "future grandkids" to come for a visit, I was scrambling to get all the nails and mess up so we could enjoy!

New Ovens, not all is working yet......

cabinets for my pretty stuff....

Backsplash, no grout yet and it's a little more blue green than this photo

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Week 100.......(OK really just week 8 but it feels like..)

Tile guys worked Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. At the End of Sunday they had all the floor tile down but were short a few tiles. Monday they got up the backsplash, but were short a few sheets of tile. They worked until around 9pm Monday night and got all the floor tile grouted. I do not know when they will grout the backsplash. They have "moved out" and the electricians have "moved in". Big decision to make on what color of grout for the backsplash:

before/after backsplash:

Electricians brought a crew in on Tuesday hoping to get all their work done - I got home from subbing (by the way, I subbed for Business COMPUTER Applications - so I was right in my element....) and it did not look like they had accomplished much after a full day. Always a catch somewhere. They are back on Wednesday, we will see how it progresses. Plumbers are to install Dishwasher today (Wednesday) and cooktop vent is to be installed on Thursday. So I'll just post some photos.......
This is pretty good shot of the different wall colors - most walls are the grey and the brown is the accent color used on one wall and closet area, and this shows the new tile....
The constant mess is wearing me out!


TWO OF MY FAVORITE GUYS....wonder who is taller now?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Where are we now

Monday: No Tile Guys appeared (as expected) but the counter tops were mostly completed, just have one little spot to do that is an "addition" to the original plan.......

Tuesday: Tile Guys appear around 10 am, said they would have most of the tile down in the den before the day was is a photo of the end of the day.....

Wednesday: Tile Guys appear around 10 and leave PROMPTLY at 3. Here are the results:

Thursday: Tile Guys appear around 9:30 am, get busy. Our "consultant" comes by around 11 so I can pick out grout. We are in the den with Tile Guys having conversation. I was asking their timing, one said "we'd love to work over the weekend, if you don't have plans" My response, "you can work ANYTIME YOU WANT WHENEVER YOU WANT!!!" Apparently they've had several jobs they are juggling, so I take back my thoughts of my hard-working Tile Guys leaving my house at 3:00 pm and going for beers, and arriving at 10am because of too many beers. Not the case.....Very hard workers - juggling several jobs and are willing to spend their weekend completing this job so they can move on to another huge job. Here is today's results:

Weddings........I need to do guest list for special shower for all 3 girls, one shower, three weddings. My HAT IS OFF to very special friends who are putting this together. I'm sure people will get an invite and think "WHAT?????" but - it seemed the best way to go. And it will be so much fun.

Our other "wedding shower" navigation issue was finding a place in the DFW area for a shower for DD#2, a couples shower put on by family and friends.....We finally found a really fun park area that met almost all our needs so we will be gathering at:
It will be a cookout with "Chef Todd" preparing the burgers (as he did at the Graduation Party), I'm sure I'll have plenty of photos of Richard in the Fire truck playground......we tried to get the park that was overlooking the lake (at the same price) but it was already booked :(

I must say, DD#2 - Wedding #2 - has the MOST IMPRESSIVE spreadsheet set up of guest lists. I am soooo impressed!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Week 6 ended with Shower and Week 7 Construction looks promising!

Construction Week 6 ended with Progress and a "Couples Shower BBQ" for Daughter #3 - Wedding #1 - in the FSIL #3's hometown. A FABULOUS party put on by FSIL #3's family and friends. great food and great gifts! It was great to meet more of his family!

AND AS FOR KITCHEN REMODEL 2010 PROGRESS......Painters spent the week prepping and painting. They will return when everyone else finishes to "touch up" .......Now for the week 7 the plan is . . .. drumroll..........

Tile people will arrive Monday Morning and PREP the floor for the tile work. Tuesday they will return to begin laying the tile. I will not have the use of my laundry room and washer/dryer (darn!!!) for the week. The tile should be done in a few days. Sometime this week the counter top people should return to replace one corner of granite and add the island granite and the bar granite. (In other words, complete the granite.....) That will leave 3 things.....electrician, plumber, and backsplash. With the exception of the back splash, we could be almost done at the end of next week...but I'm figuring end of week 8. Backsplash is a custom deal and being "hand cut" and won't arrive until first of june, but I can live in a kitchen without a backsplash!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Week 6 begins, Brides melt........

After a WONDERFUL weekend of "using the kitchen" (which meant I got to use the counters and the SINK) I had to MOVE out again....back to remodel mode.

Monday. . . we figured out that the "butler's pantry" had been ignored through the process. It's an area that opens into the den, same wall/floor and ceiling. Floor guys took up the tile but painters didn't strip walls, texture or remove popcorn ceiling....So that had me up all night - stressing. Tile was to be delivered on Monday, so I needed to be prepared to get dogs in the house and let the tile get in the back yard. . . Then Daughter #3, wedding #1, and I realized she had an appointment at 1:00pm and she wanted me to go...and she's in May Mester so has to ask permission to leave because there is NO RESCHEDULING. So I get the dogs secured in the house in hopes tile will be delivered.

oh oh oh, that morning about 8:45 Sweet 15 year-old son called, he had to have a piece of paper he forgot. Took me 30 minutes to find the paper, then I go as fast as possible to his school (he goes to small school outside of town). At this point I'm hot, sweaty, yuky. Thinking if I can just run in school and see as few people as possible that would be great. So I run in, saw one very sweet person, ran out, hopped in car - put in gear and SSSSSSCCCCCCRRRRAAAAAPPPPEEE
(SCRAPE) Now in hindsight I'm thinking "why did I not stop at the beginning of the scrape?" But no, I just kept going. There were two women from the Region Center walking in the door and saw it all. I stop, get out and look. Took several stones off their center median, and "small" scrape on car" (how do we define "small") pushed the stones over and DROVE OFF. Did not tell the school anything. About halfway back to town I realized that I damaged school property and drove off!!! And those two women probably walked in school and told them what happened! sooooo when I get home I email (very embarrassed) the principal and tell him it was me. When I went to get son after school I had visions of the local policeman being there with handcuffs to arrest me for hit and run.......

That night we had FFA Banquet for son. He made officer and we are very proud!

Tuesday painters arrived. When the painters arrive they "zoom in" tape it all up and start the primer process....then on Wed they return and finish the painted woodwork. As soon as the woodwork dries they can mask off and paint the walls, however we have an "accent wall" so the main color has to dry before they can do the accent. And it's very humid, so it could be Friday before main walls are painted, and monday for accent. So one full week of painting.

then it's tile work and electrician. Backsplash will not be in until the end of the month, first of June, but everything else should be completed.

They act like they are suffering when they see me.....

This house was dusted less than a week ago, I PROMISE. The dust/paint/whatever is making me I'm outside as much as possible. :)

As for's difficult at best to find dates for all the showers, and then throw in the issue of THREE BRIDES trying to share ONE SUMMER. There are no rules here. And how to "we" balance all the friends/showers/etc? It is so complicated. I have 3 very sweet daughters who are trying to all fit in showers/luncheons/weddings and at the same time give each sister their moment(s) in the spotlight and no-one overshadowing the other. I'm fairly sure I was on phone/instant messenger for the entire evening last night. And I love each moment. It will all work out. I will keep the scrape in my car - the rest will be fine.

oh, and I let 15 year old son drive today........

Saturday, May 8, 2010



Richard is preparing the patio, Mr. Todd is manning the grill! He did all the cooking/prep for this cookout, thanks Todd. Great job!

Casey, Bride #1 Daughter #3, grandparents meeting Fiance's grandparents...

our youngest guest, who will also be in wedding #1! Meet 2 year old Eli....who has adorable red hair under that hat. Something we are a little biased about....

my "under construction" kitchen managed a group of people without a problem! We did have the sink fully functional which was WONDERFUL. The dusty concrete floors didn't slow us down....

Standing in line for food....left to right, David Hamblin, Grandfather of daughter #3 wedding #1, the Lacy and Paul, Barry Marchbanks: father of Fiance' #3 wedding #1, friend (sorry can't remember name) and little brother to fiance' #3...