Monday, April 26, 2010

Cabinet Progress and OTHER Celebrations

As Week four begins a great deal of the cabinet work is complete. The Granite Counter guy came today to measure...he wasn't sure when they would be back to install the counters, and when they do come it will take about 3 days to complete.

These photos are from Friday night, Richard doing his "inspection"

In less than 2 weeks, May 8, we will have another HUGE celebration as we celebrate (DRUMROLL..........) Casey Lorelle Roger's Graduation with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Graphic Design from ACU! And on that same day we celebrate (more drumroll) Matthew Marchbanks graduation from HSU with a degree in Communications and minor in Art (photography) AND (yes there is MORE) Matt's 24th birthday! We will celebrate with a small gathering at our house, hamburgers in the back yard - kitchen or NOT......

AND I'd also like to celebrate Hawley JV Baseball team in their undefeated baseball season. Todd Rogers had a great batting average and gets stronger every year!

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading, Patty. And (shhh) you and I will NEVER live this down, I promise. We have a running joke between Matthew and me about how I can't remember Matt's age. He keeps correcting me. One day recently when Matt was here, I was on the phone telling someone Matt was 24, and from the other room I heard, "I'm 23 mom!" It was Matthew, and I could hear the sigh in his voice. Of course, he'd had to correct me once after hearing me tell someone he was 25, too. It stinks to get old. So (shhh, and change it, quick) he will be 24 on the 8th this year. Also, his degree is Communications w/ an Art minor that is really a Photography minor.

    Love the photos and the updates. Excited about this weekend!
